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Sunday, November 13, 2005

'All Quiet On The Baby Front'

I just returned from the 2005 Portable Media Expo for Podcasting in Ontario, California and was blown away by what's happening in this movement.

Basically, I learned that I'm right in the pocket with my podcast idea and should be able to launch it soon.

I'm linking with the Los Angeles Podcaster's group and also with an amazing young woman who thinks my idea is BBC worthy.

This inspirational lady, who reminds me of my oldest daughter, currently works for MTV in the UK, previously worked for the BBC, and prior to that worked as an environmental law attorney in Washington D.C. for the Humane Society (she passed both the California and Washington D.C. bar exams - not an easy thing to do!). She's a dynamic example of the 21st century female. Smart, sexy, articulate and utterly successful in a challenging male-dominated media-driven world.

As for my part, I was pleased to have coined a phrase at the conference, which she and others want to use in their work.

GGR=Global Grass Roots

GGR stands for the global grass roots audio and video podcasting movement that is shaping the face of communications in the early part of the 21st century.

Media delivery systems are changing at such a rapid pace that scarely anyone can keep up with them.

SingBabySingTM intends to be an integral player in this GGR movement.

Stay tuned.

Joybug out

Thursday, November 03, 2005

United Airlines and Vision 47

It's pretty great. I heard tonight from Michael that our Vision 47 piece of music is being featured on United Airlines Ted Flights.

I'm happy sleepy and as I dream tonight, my prayer is that many people will be soothed by it.

I'm grateful to Ronny S. for placing it for us.
